A Critical Review of Machine Learning of Energy Materials for POC (Particle in cell codes)


  • Khan A B.Tech (F), Dept of Computer Engineering, ZHCET , Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
  • Khan J B.Tech (F), Dept of Mechanical Engineering, ZHCET , Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh


machine learning, particle in cell code


Given the numerous challenges, such as “low success probabilities, high time consumption, and high computational cost, inherent in the conventional approaches to developing energy materials, the screening of advanced materials in combination with the modelling of their quantitative structural-activity relationships has recently become one of the hot & trending topics in energy materials.” This necessitates fresh ideas and tools for conducting scientific inquiry in the quest to advance the study of energy materials. Data-driven materials research is thought to change scientific findings and provide new paradigms for the production of energy materials, due to recent advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning. As data-driven materials engineering has advanced, it has become clear that machine learning can be used to significantly enhance these processes, making it possible to create and implement novel energy materials more quickly.


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How to Cite

Khan, A., & Khan, J. (2023). A Critical Review of Machine Learning of Energy Materials for POC (Particle in cell codes). Universal Research Reports, 10(1), 11–17. Retrieved from https://urr.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1056



Original Research Article