Promoting Critical Thinking Skills in the Classroom


  • Dr. Ranbir Assistant Professor Ph.D. Education Department of Mathematics Haryana college of Education, Rampur Road, Safidon, Jind (Haryana)



Critical thinking, Classroom Education, Skills development, Inquiry-based learning


Critical thinking is a vital skill for students to develop in order to succeed academically and navigate the complexities of the modern world. This paper explores strategies for promoting critical thinking skills in the classroom across various grade levels and subject areas. It examines the importance of critical thinking, defines key components of critical thinking, and highlights the benefits of cultivating this skill for students' academic and personal growth. Additionally, the paper discusses practical approaches and instructional strategies that educators can use to foster critical thinking, such as inquiry-based learning, Socratic questioning, and problem-solving activities. Furthermore, it explores the role of technology and collaborative learning in enhancing critical thinking skills. By integrating these strategies into teaching practices, educators can empower students to think critically, analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions. Ultimately, the paper emphasizes the importance of nurturing critical thinking skills to prepare students for success in school and beyond.


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DOI: 10.36676/urr.v11.i2.1276
Published: 2024-05-17

How to Cite

Dr. Ranbir. (2024). Promoting Critical Thinking Skills in the Classroom. Universal Research Reports, 11(2), 154–158.