To study scholastic achievement of secondary school students in relation to their gender.


  • Taneja A Principal G.M.T.COLLEGE OF EDUCATION LUDHIANA (Punjab)


Scholastic achievement


Scholastic achievement may be defined as competence of students shown in the school subjects for whom they have taken instructions. The test scores marks grades assigned to the students on the basis of their performance in the achievement test determine the status of pupils in the classroom. According to oxford advanced learner’s dictionary (2000): Achievement is the thing that somebody has done successfully, especially using his/her own efforts and skills. Singh (2002) defined achievement as accomplishment of specific objectives, past performance and what analysis individual or organization has accomplished in the past in contrast with ability which refers to what analysis or organization can do now in present or in future. In Webster' dictionary (2002) it is stated that “Achievement means to bring to a successful end or performance”


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How to Cite

Taneja, A. kumar. (2018). To study scholastic achievement of secondary school students in relation to their gender. Universal Research Reports, 5(4), 73–77. Retrieved from



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