Study of performance of a pier designed by Force Based Design & Direct Displacement Based Design


  • SANDEEP Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering (Building Construction and Technology), Jagannath University
  • Harveer Laura Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering (Building Construction and Technology), Jagannath University


Corporation, (BMRC), Displacement , Force Based Design


Performance study of the typical pier designed by a Force Based Design (FBD) Method and Direct Displacement Based Design (DDBD) Method is described in this paper . The pier is designed based on FBD and DDBD Method. Performance assessment is carried out for the designed pier and the results are discussed briefly.


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How to Cite

Sandeep, & Harveer Laura. (2017). Study of performance of a pier designed by Force Based Design & Direct Displacement Based Design. Universal Research Reports, 4(2), 46–48. Retrieved from



Original Research Article