E public service delivery and its implications in India: A review


  • Mohit Research Scholar, Department of public administration Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak (Haryana)
  • Khatri S Research scholar (MPhil), Department of public administration Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak (Haryana)


e-governance, Service delivery


From justice and security to services for individuals and businesses, the state plays an important role in delivering a broad range of public services. Administrative services, such as the issuance of licences and permits, are regulated by administrative processes in addition to typical public services like health care and education. “Any interaction between a client (citizen, resident, or business) and the government during which data is requested or provided, business affairs handled, or tasks performed may be considered a service delivery. Effective, predictable, dependable, and customer-friendly services should be provided. As the usage of information and communication technology grows, electronic service delivery is a cost-effective method for both the client and the government to save both time and money.


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How to Cite

Mohit, & khatri, S. (2022). E public service delivery and its implications in India: A review. Universal Research Reports, 9(1), 31–35. Retrieved from https://urr.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/961



Original Research Article