Farm Tourism in Haryana: A Review


  • Sharma S Research Scholar
  • Reena Research Scholar, SOTHSM, IGNOU


Farm tourism, tourism potential


There has been a steady increase in farm tourism, which is a sort of alternative tourism. Tourists nowadays are looking for a more peaceful experience and like to visit natural attractions and engage with locals. They get the opportunity to learn about farming operations and rural living via agricultural tourism. Farmers and communities benefit from agricultural tourism, which provides them with jobs and other benefits. One of India's most agriculturally-focused states is Haryana. The government of Haryana has designated 18 farms in Faridabad, Gurgaon, Jhajjar, Rohtak, Karnal, and Mewat. A primary goal of the project is to investigate the possibilities for agriculture tourism in Haryana. Secondary data is used in the research. The visitors are carefully taken care of by the farm's proprietors. There are AC rooms, suite halls, deluxe suites, cottages, conference rooms, a banquet hall, and a large open space for theme parties available to the visitors. Local sports, nature walks, and farm visits are all offered to guests as part of their vacation experience.


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How to Cite

Sharma, S., & Reena. (2018). Farm Tourism in Haryana: A Review. Universal Research Reports, 5(2), 241–248. Retrieved from



Original Research Article